The Watson Glaser Test is a critical tool for assessing your analytical and decision-making skills. If you’re looking to excel in this challenging test, you’ve come to the right place because below, you will find our Watson Glaser Practice Test. Our comprehensive guide delves into the key components of the assessment, including the score you need to pass and practical strategies to enhance your performance. Whether you’re a job seeker, a student, or a professional looking to sharpen your critical thinking abilities, our guide is your roadmap to success. Let’s embark on this journey to unlock your potential and achieve a top score on the Watson Glaser Test.
What is the Watson Glaser Test?
The Watson Glaser Test is a 30-minute online renowned pre-employment assessment used primarily by law firms, though its applications extend to other fields as well. The Watson Glaser Test usually comprises around 40 questions and is designed to be completed within 30 to 60 minutes. The questions are typically formatted as multiple-choice and often presented as true/false statements to gauge how well participants have understood and interpreted the provided information. If you are applying to law firms, check out our training contract deadlines calendar.
What is the Watson Glaser Test Structure?
The assessment is divided into 5 sections, each consisting of questions related to:
- Inferences
- Assumptions
- Deductions
- Interpretations
- Evaluation of Arguments
The time allocated for the test will be evenly divided among all the sections. When taking the exam on an electronic device, you will notice that each section is preceded by a few sample answered queries, and each group of questions has a specific number of answer options listed. By the way, there is no need to worry about your commercial awareness because this test does not assess that.
Watson Glaser Test Score to Pass
For a nearly certain ‘pass’ in the Watson Glaser tests hosted by the top firms, a score of 90% will most definitely be shadowed by an email with delightful test news. Once the test terminates the system will calculate your score (0-100%) and inform you about whether your application terminates or advances.

- ‘Passable’ marks depend on the firms’ own progression criteria. Essentially, being ranked in the top X percentile may either secure you an interview at one law firm, or cost you one such place at another.
- Please do be aware of this notice: Watson Glaser tests intend to both put into practice a number of key attributes expected from future legal professionals, but also simultaneously reduce the number of interview invitees. This being said, it is common to come by rejection emails ordinarily informing you about the lack of success at this stage, but without displaying any feedback or even a test score! For example, assuming that one averages 70% in practice, this could dubiously leave the candidate in an abyss of confusion as to whether they have severely underachieved, or surpassed their regular scores by a little.
- It is recommended to aim for at least 80% in practice tests. This percentage is convincingly indicative of your evaluative technique and understanding of questions.
Watson Glaser Practice Test & Answers
Below, you will find a practice test that replicates the actual Watson Glaser Test, enabling you to have an authentic test-taking experience. Each question test is accompanied by detailed answers and explanations to guide you towards the correct answer and to improve your comprehension of the critical thinking abilities evaluated in the test.
Inferences Practice Question
Inferences are statements derived from a passage. Answers for inference questions are usually:

- True – information that is clearly present in the text
- Probably true – this information may not be clearly outlined in the passage but is deeply implied and based on the evidence there is strong inference of its existence
- False – information that is not stated in the passage or contradicts the passage
- Probably false – information that is not entirely incorrect, however, its incorrectness cannot be guaranteed from the passage
- Insufficient data – there is not enough information to make an accurate and precise answer
Below is an example of an inference-styled question:
Over the past ten years, the number of university students entering post-graduate programs has decreased by 5% each year. This is despite the fact that the number of students enrolling in undergraduate programs has increased by 40% over the past seven years.
Inference 1: Everyone who graduated from an undergraduate program goes on to undertake post-graduate education.
Answer: Insufficient data
Explanation: It is impossible to tell from the information in the passage that all students who graduate from undergraduate programs enrol into post-graduate programs.
Inference 2: The decrease in students studying post-graduate degrees is encouraging for universities that provide different levels of education.
Answer: Probably false.
Explanation: The number of students studying post-graduate degrees is certainly decreasing, however, the passage does not directly state the effects of this decrease on universities
Inference 3: More students enrol in undergraduate programs than the number of students who enrol in post-graduate programs.
Answer: Probably true.
Explanation: It is likely that, more students enrol in undergraduate programs than post-graduate programs taking into account the increases and decreases in percentages in the inference. However, because this inference does not state the exact percentages, we cannot be definitely certain.
Assumptions Practice Question
Assumptions logically follow based on a passage. The answers are typically:
- An assumption is made – if the information can be clearly understood from a passage, then it is correct
- An assumption is not made – the information does not clearly flow from the passage or there is not enough information to formulate an answer
Below is an example of an assumption-styled question:
We must increase our marketing budget in the next quarter to keep the company afloat
Assumption 1: The company is going bankrupt.
Answer: Assumption not made.
Explanation: Although the statement is referring that the company needs an increase in the marketing budget to stay afloat, there is no indication that the company is going bankrupt. Perhaps the company has not been doing so well for a few quarters but did not decline in profits. The statement is referring to the company going bankrupt now, which may not be the case. The company may go bankrupt in the future, however, we do not know.
Assumption 2: The marketing budget this quarter is too low.
Answer: Assumption made.
Explanation: It is evident that the passage is stating that in order to keep the company afloat marketing budget must be increased. The assumption follows that the current marketing budget is too low.
Assumption 3: The company needs good marketing next quarter to keep it afloat.
Answer: Assumption made.
Explanation: It is certain that by increasing the marketing budget the company can achieve better marketing targets next quarter. As a result, better marketing can help the company to stay afloat. The statement has an intrinsic assumption that an increase in the marketing budget will have an effect on the company as a whole.
Deductions Practice Question
Deductions require test takes to form conclusions based on the passage. The answers are usually:
- Conclusion follows – this answer statement logically follows the passage’s context with certainty; or a
- Conclusion does not follow – anything but a concrete answer based on the passage will satisfy this answer option.
Below is an example of deductions-styled question:
Every intern can gain a permanent position at the end of their internship because everyone is considered for the position. Interns that worked in the corporate department are more likely to get the job offer. Mirko interned at the firm, but not at their corporate department. Thus:
Conclusion 1: Mirko could get the job offer.
Answer: Conclusion follows.
Explanation: Mirko interned at the company and everyone who interned are considered for the job. Thus, it is possible that Mirko could receive the job offer.
Conclusion 2: Mirko will not get the job offer.
Answer: Conclusion does not follow.
Explanation: The interns who did not work in the corporate department are less likely to get the job offer. Mirko did not work in the corporate department, however, it is not guaranteed that he will not get the job offer.
Conclusion 3: Mirko is most likely to get the job offer
Answer: Conclusion does not follow.
Explanation: The interns who worked at the company’s corporate department are more likely to get the job offer. Because Mirko did not work at the corporate department, he is not most likely to get the job offer.
Interpretations Practice Question
Interpretations follow a logical sequence of a passage to make a conclusion based on the evidence. The answers are usually:
- Conclusion follows – where the logical sequence of events supports the conclusion made.
- Conclusion does not follow – where there is no logical support for the conclusion.
Below is an example of interpretations-styled question:
Dave is a dedicated powerlifter and works out seven days a week. There are reports that claim that physical exercise allows people to live longer. On the other hand, people that workout more than four days a week are at a higher risk of a spinal injury.
Interpretation 1: Dave is likely to injure his knees.
Answer: Conclusion does not follow.
Explanation: The passage is only referring to occurrences of spinal injuries due to frequent workouts. Thus, we cannot conclude from the passage whether Dave will get knee injuries or not from working out.
Interpretation 2: Dave is more likely to get a spinal injury.
Answer: Conclusion follows.
Explanation: Dave goes to the gym every day of the week. Reports claim that going to the gym more than 4 days a week can result in a spinal injury. Thus, Dave is more likely to get a spinal injury.
Interpretation 3: Dave goes to the gym every day.
Answer: Conclusion follows.
Explanation: The passage says that Dave is dedicated to powerlifting and goes to the gym seven days a week. From this, we can interpret that he goes to the gym every day.
Arguments Practice Question
Arguments are formulated as answers to questions or statements. The answers are usually:
- Strong – the statement cannot be contradicted or undermined.
- Weak – the statement has fallacies and logical weaknesses due to a lack of evidence.
Below is an example of arguments-styled question:
Should law firms continue to require students to disclose their A-level results in their graduate job positions?
Argument 1: Yes, students do not lose anything by disclosing their A-level results
Answer: Weak argument.
Explanation: This is a weak argument as it does not refer to the subject matter of the question. The fact that students do not lose anything by disclosing their A-level results does not affect the job application process.
Argument 2: Yes, A-levels provide the most accurate assessment of an applicant’s work performance.
Answer: Strong argument.
Explanation: This is a strong argument because it supports the idea that A-levels are a much better predictor of an applicant’s work performance. Work performance is crucial to law firms, thus the statement is strongly supported by evidence.
Argument 3: No, law firms must assess applicants based on their most recent grades, which reflect current potential.
Answer: Strong argument.
Explanation: This is a strong argument because it directly refers to the subject matter of the question. It provides a valid reason as to why A-level results should not be used. If a student graduated from university his potential will be reflected in his most recent grades, which would not be A-levels.
Along with this psychometric test you are likely to be asked numerous questions during an interview or on the application form. Find out how to perfectly answer why study law and why this law firm in our comprehensive guides.
Tips for Passing the Watson Glaser Test
The Watson Glaser test may seem full of complexities, but the following advice can uncomplicate this recruitment assessment:
- Familiarise yourself with the format beforehand. With just half an hour until the test’s final countdown, you must be familiar with the logistics behind the test. For example, firmly knowing what each answer option means (e.g. ‘Probably false’) and how to assess whether a point of information can match it will allow you to excel against the time limit.
- Abstract yourself from your own knowledge. Initially, a major obstacle Watson Glaser test takers face is drawing a solid line between the questions’ context and their own expertise. The guiding rule here is that all information in the scenarios and their debriefs is to be taken strictly for granted as being correct, thereby denoting that applicants must not factually dispute the provided instructions. This would ease interpreting and answering the test questions, and furthermore, will avoid confusion and entering the unnecessary state of deep contemplation in the limited timeframe.
- Assume the scenarios’ literal meaning. Stay away from overly compound analysis when you have fixed answers (e.g. ‘Conclusion follows’) – hold to the lexical boundaries conveying the context. If it is meant to be said – it will be, if not – ask yourself ‘is it implied, or expressed without deviation?’ Such thinking is specifically useful with questions containing ‘Insufficient data’ as a possible response.
- Read the full scenario/question carefully. A sharp eye for detail and a ceaseless emphasis on small words, such as pronouns and articles, will aggregate into a much more comprehensive understanding of the tasks ahead, subsequently maximising the chances to score well.
- Distribute your time equally between all test sections. In the unpleasant situation of struggling to immediately answer a question, move directly to the next query and return to the unanswered one(s) after you have gone through all remaining questions – mathematically, you have increased chances of securing a higher pass mark.
- Do not miss the Watson Glaser test deadline. Law firms will most likely set out a deadline for the completion of this test, e.g. 6 or 7 days from the date candidates receive an email invitation to sit the Watson Glaser assessment. Therefore, make sure to devote a time slot in your timetable at least a day before the cut-off completion point so as to avoid last-minute technical issues that could harmfully impede your test submission.
- Practice, practice, practice! With an abundance of online resources and practice test books, this is the most secure way to ace the Watson Glaser test and proceed forward in your application. Even if there are time intervals between you taking application Watson Glaser tests, continuously training yourself in responding to sample questions would make you more prepared than starting to practice a week before sitting the exam.
Frequently Asked Questions
We often receive various questions about the Watson Glaser Test. Below, you can find the answers to these questions.
What is the average Watson Glaser score?
The average Watson Glaser score is 55%. The score varies depending on the specific test, its difficulty level, and the population that takes it. However, generally, a score of 55% is considered average on the Watson Glaser Test.
What do you need to pass Watson Glaser?
Aiming for a score of 80% or more is recommended to increase your chances of being selected for roles such as training contracts or vacation schemes. In practice, the passing score for the Watson Glaser test can differ depending on the organization using it. For law firms, which are common users of the test, the pass mark varies from year to year based on the average test score achieved by candidates. However, it’s important to note that firms may assess candidates on other factors in addition to the test score.
How do I prepare for the Watson Glaser assessment?
Preparing for the Watson Glaser test involves familiarizing yourself with its format and practising each of the five test sections: Inference, Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation, and Evaluation of Arguments. It’s crucial to focus on answering questions based only on the provided information and under timed conditions.
You can find practice tests online to help you get used to the type of questions and the time constraints of the actual test. Additionally, improving your critical thinking skills in general, such as through analyzing newspaper articles and debates, can be beneficial. Remember, the key is to think critically and logically without relying on external knowledge or personal biases
What is a good Watson Glaser percentile?
Being in the 80th percentile or higher is considered good, especially for law firm job applications. However, it’s important to note that different organizations might have different standards, and some may consider a lower percentile as acceptable, especially when combined with other selection criteria.
What happens if you fail the Watson Glaser Test?
If you don’t perform as well as other applicants on the Watson Glaser Test, it’s unlikely that you’ll progress to the next stage of the assessment process for a training contract or vacation scheme. Law firms often use this test as part of their assessment process and typically compare candidates’ results on a percentile basis.
However, the test does not have a set pass or fail mark. Your performance on the Watson Glaser Test is just one factor considered in the assessment process, and different firms may weigh it differently. It’s important to remember that each firm has its own criteria for evaluating candidates, and the Watson Glaser Test is only one part of that evaluation.
Is the Watson Glaser an IQ test?
The Watson Glaser Test is not an IQ test. It is a critical thinking test that evaluates a person’s ability to think analytically and logically. The test assesses skills such as the ability to understand and analyze arguments, make inferences, recognize assumptions, make deductions, and evaluate the strength of arguments.
While some skills evaluated by the Watson Glaser Test, like logical reasoning and analysis, are also components of typical IQ tests, the Watson Glaser Test specifically focuses on critical thinking and is primarily used in the context of legal and professional environments.
What is the difference between Watson Glaser 2 and 3?
The Watson Glaser II and Watson Glaser III are two different versions of the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test. The main distinction between these versions lies in their format.
The Watson Glaser II can be administered both as a computerized test and a traditional pen-and-paper test. On the other hand, Watson Glaser III is exclusively computerized. Additionally, Watson Glaser III uses an item bank for its questions and does not require a test officer for administration, making it suitable for unsupervised settings.
Both versions assess the same critical thinking skills but differ in their delivery and administration methods.