Meet Rachel! She is almost a newly qualified solicitor and just a wonderful person! 

On her Instagram, Rachel shows glimpses of her personal life and treats her audience to some insights into a life of a trainee solicitor!

She specializes in family law, runs a social club @younglegalladies, and is an active member of the “lawinsta” world.

Make sure to give her a follow! And congratulate her on finishing her TC!

Why did you start LegallyFierceFeminist?

So my blog hasn’t always been LFF. I think I’ve had my blog for 7 years now. I originally changed the name to the fierce feminist and then I started in law and it just seemed to fit well. I found that people were using ‘feminist’ as an insult towards me so I decided to take the word and turn it into something positive that I could use for my blog. There is a long blog post on how this blog name even came around for me.

Not many trainees switch firms during their TCs, why did you switch?

I wanted to work in family law and unfortunately, the firm couldn’t provide me with that so the firm I’m at now was well suited to the area of law I wanted to go into.

Did being a feminist guide you to which area of law you want to practice in?

I suppose so. I’ve always wanted to be someone who helped other people and that kind of feeds into my feminist beliefs. That women should have equal opportunities around the world.

What is feminism in law to you?

I think I answered the question above haha! It’s about fair opportunities for women in the law and from the law.

How did you try to stand out as a non-law grad?

I had done lots of volunteering in my uni days and even after, so I used a lot of that to show the skills I have such as communication skills, team worker, organised… the usual. I also volunteered at citizens advice which I wholly recommend for anyone who wants to partake in that. You learn how to use a case management system and touch upon bits of the law every now and then that you might not have even used before.

Your career is on a good path, what are you looking forward to in life now?

Qualification! Isn’t that what every aspiring lawyer looks forward to? The day their name is up there. It’s the thing I first dreamt of when I was 16 and here I am achieving it!