The term “seven sisters” law firms refer to the top seven Canadian law firms headquartered in Toronto. The term can be traced back several decades back. These firms take on the most high-end corporate work in Canada that dominated the Canadian legal sector for decades. The seven sisters refers to:

These firms have offices in Toronto, and most are located on Bay Street and sometimes are also referred to as the Bay Street law firms.

Are the Seven Sisters Still Relevant in Canada?

The term “seven sisters” is definitely still relevant in the Canadian legal sector. The firms that make up the seven sisters are still regarded as the most prestigious law firms in Canada. It is argued that the term may evolve into something else in the near future, just like the “club of nine” evolved into the “magic circle law firms” in the UK.

These firms rank highly in terms of acquisitions deal volume, volume of mergers and acquisitions deals, and completion of prestigious corporate work.

Expansion of the Seven Sisters Law Firms

Some argue that the term “seven sisters” does not reflect the true picture of the Canadian legal market. Critics of the seven sisters call for expansion of the sisterhood to other firms. In particular, it is argued that the biggest firms, meaning firms that have the highest number of attorneys, should be included in the sisterhood. These firms are:

Seven Sisters Law Firms Salary

Photo of the street that seven sisters law firms are located on

Below are salaries for articling students and firm associates.

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Articling Student Salary at Seven Sisters Law Firms

The seven sisters are known for paying their articling students one of the highest salaries in Canada. Below is a list of what each firm pays its articling students.

Firm Articling Student Salary (annual)
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP $88,400
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP $117,000
Goodmans LLP $88,400
McCarthy Tétrault LLP $98,800
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP $88,400
Stikeman Elliott LLP $88,400
Torys LLP $88,400

Average Associate Salary at Seven Sisters Law Firms

These firms are generally speaking amount the top 10 law firms in Canada with regards to salary. Below is a list of what each firm pays its associates.

Firm Average Associate Salary (annual)
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP $155,000
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP $145,000
Goodmans LLP $115,000
McCarthy Tétrault LLP $220,000
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP $145,000
Stikeman Elliott LLP $135,000
Torys LLP $110,000